Spicing up a Stagnating News Program with Owned Research

The Objective

Breathe new life into a client program that had gone quiet on the news front, become a thought leader in the industry despite the lack of announcements, and continue to raise the brand’s profile for top-of-funnel awareness.

The Strategy

Bring our independently-generated industry research to reporters and editors looking for bespoke, novel, or exclusive new market insights or statistics to publish to their audiences, along with analysis from the publications’ experts. Capitalize on this coverage to show the company has forward momentum, has its finger on the pulse of the big-data workload visibility software space, and can speak authoritatively about the market at large, making Pepperdata’s executives sought-after subject matter experts.

Big Data
The Results

Nearly 100 pieces of coverage, spanning vertical market and horizontal technology publications with direct influence on buyers and users of Pepperdata’s big data workload visibility software solutions, including AIAuthority, Datanami, CFO.com, VentureBeat, and more.

Nearly 100 pieces of coverage, spanning vertical market and horizontal technology publications.