Data Driven Vertical Campaign
Lucidworks wanted to generate more visibility in the fast-growing online grocery sales market, which was worth $140BN in 2022.
The goal was to influence grocery chain technology decision-makers to help them capture more sales, as well as organically grow the total overall average grocery cart value per customer.
Lucidworks’ technology includes functionality that suggests alternative products if the customer’s preferred product is sold out, which increases the chances of the customer buying the alternative, completes the overall transaction, and increases the average cart price.
Escalate needed to generate actionable data on which to build stories that highlighted grocery vendor ecommerce pain points, based on real user experience information. We created surveys in the US and the UK to quickly take the pulse of shoppers on both sides of of the Pond. In each market, we used low-cost polling software that guarantees full survey responses in just days, vs. weeks or months.
The results generated equated to data gold for Lucidworks’ sales teams, and gave editors and reporters in the grocery vertical publications concrete trend information on which to write stories around grocery consumer behavior–especially during the pandemic.