How to Prepare for a Conference: Prep With PR

posted on September 03, 2024
How to Prepare for a Conference: Prep With PR

Conferences are expensive, and enterprise technology companies should be utilizing public relations to get the biggest bang for their buck. PR plays a crucial role in executing a conference participation strategy that includes pre-conference media relations, mid-conference networking, and post-conference measurement. 

As conferences return to normal post-COVID-19, the stakes have risen. Companies are seeking impactful ways to make their conference presence beneficial to their business. Key stakeholders like B2B tech CMOs and VPs of Marketing will see firsthand how leveraging PR can showcase their expertise, penetrate a new market, and build media relationships at conferences. 

Let’s dive into how tech PR plays a key role before, during, and after a conference.

How to Prepare for a Conference with PR Strategies

Strategic conference planning happens months ahead of time and that’s when PR pros establish and set realistic goals and expectations. The best tech PR agencies are going to know what will resonate with journalists covering the conference and be seen as newsworthiness. Creating a PR strategy that will complement the activities happening at the conference while utilizing news, messaging, and creative angles is key.

A few key components of preparation for a conference include:

  • Utilize Press Releases Strategically: Hundreds of companies and organizations showcase their products and services at a conference. Build a strategy to time your press releases about major announcements or product launches to ensure it has the most impact and does not get lost in noise at a conference.
  • Identify Key Targets: Going beyond spamming the entirety of a conference press list with coffee invites and determine which media outlets, influencers, and analysts you want to engage with. Consider it’s a competitive market to meet with the press and analysts during a conference, so know who you can offer a valuable meeting with and make the most of tight schedules.
  • Secure Speaking Opportunities: Plan ahead and work with a PR team in the months before to track and identify conference speaking opportunities (keynotes, focused tracks, panels, workshops, etc.), optimize applications, and increase acceptance rates.
  • Create Engaging Content and Messages: Prepare press releases, blog posts, social media content, and other materials well ahead of time. Top PR teams will craft clear and concise messages that align with the marketing campaign, and resonate with journalists for the conference.
  • Media Training: Along with equipping spokespeople with the necessary skills to handle media interviews effectively, PR teams will create briefing books, detailed interview schedules, highlight key sessions and competitor insight.

How to Get The Most Out of A Conference

Once the conference has finally begun, a PR team is fully engaged in executing the conference media plan. Whether the team is on-site or supporting remotely, not only will they ensure the media activities go smoothly, but also pivot to capitalize on the latest conference happenings. During the conference, examples of PR activities include:

  • Pitch Relevant Stories: Those in top tech pr will be monitoring news and social media, staying informed of breaking news and industry conversations from the show floor and identifying immediate opportunities to pitch stories to media outlets.
  • Attend Key Sessions: Identifying informative sessions for your on-site executives to attend is important. PR teams attending the show will also attend sessions to gain insights into industry trends and identify potential story angles.
  • Network Extensively: Conferences can be a sea of people. Using it to meet in-person to connect with journalists, analysts, and industry influencers is a great way to build rapport.

How to Follow-Up After a Conference

When a conference is over, it doesn’t mean the PR activities are too. Beyond the conference stage, there’s a world of opportunity to amplify your impact, especially in the enterprise technology industry. A supportive team that understands your business needs will help to transform your conference into a year-round lead generation and brand-building engine.

They will take immediate action following a conference, including:

  • Measure Impact: Evaluate the success of all PR efforts based on media coverage, mindshare, social media engagement, and lead generation.
  • Nurture Relationships: Continue to engage with media contacts and influencers on topics they’re interested in covering that tie to your business and brand awareness. It’s all about long-term storytelling and building a dynamic narrative.
  • Repurpose Content: Transform conference content into blog posts, whitepapers, or webinars. Consider key takeaways identified by your executives and utilize that insight for unique thought leadership.

Companies looking to grow their business understand there is value in attending B2B tech industry conferences. And it can be easy to overlook PR when planning all the ways to maximize time, money, and effort during the event.

But don’t make that mistake. Working with a firm like Escalate PR can serve as a catalyst for maximizing communication strategies, generating earned media coverage, and ultimately driving new market penetration. By strategically building executive thought leadership from innovative content and media outreach, we can elevate your brand story and position your organization as an industry leader. Selecting the right B2B tech PR agency should align with an organization’s overarching business goals, as PR is not merely a component of one marketing event, but a critical driver of brand awareness and industry leadership. 

So are you carefully evaluating your PR firm options? Contact us today to learn more about how Escalate PR can elevate your brand.