AbsenceSoft’s Ashlee Brennan Byline In BenefitsPro

posted on July 15, 2024
AbsenceSoft’s Ashlee Brennan Byline In BenefitsPro

Ashlee Brennan, Vice President of Leave Compliance at AbsenceSoft, recently authored a piece published in BenefitsPro discussing why the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA) is the most significant legislative effort in workplace protections for women in the past 25 years. The legislation aims to provide pregnant workers with reasonable accommodations similar to those received by employees with temporary medical conditions.

Ashlee delves into what companies need to be aware of when it comes to updating policies and procedures now that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) final rule became enforceable on June 18, 2024. Notably, the final rule extends protection beyond pregnancy and childbirth, covering preconception, preparation, and postpartum conditions.

This fosters inclusivity and proves advantageous for companies by maintaining a skilled workforce. It’s a win-win scenario where businesses adapt to support their employees, ensuring continuity and empowerment in the workplace. 

The full article is available to read on the BenefitPro website.


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