
Watchdog Success Story: Fostering Goodwill and Elevating Visibility

The Objective

Addigy, a SaaS mobile device management solution for managing  fleets of Mac OS devices, faced a challenge when their proprietary solution “Watchdog” discovered a problem with Apple’s own software inside of devices that was causing one in four devices to reject a RSR patch. 

Our objective was twofold. First, highlight Addigy’s expertise in managing Apple devices. Secondly, to generate Apple IT administrators’ goodwill by releasing “Watchdog” as a free download to any Apple IT admin, regardless of which mobile device management software they used. Addigy’s Watchdog would work on top of any solution already installed within an organization.

The Strategy

Apple IT administrators are a tight knit community and they get their news from Apple-oriented outlets as well as massive, dedicated Slack channels and Reddit Forums. The Mac Admin Foundation Slack channel boasts more than 57,000 accounts on the MacAdmins Slack and more than 5000 weekly active users. Escalate’s strategy was to generate validating earned media coverage, and then merchandise that into the Apple IT admin community sites, where it would pick up its own momentum among potential users. 

Apple Device Management PR
The Results

The media coverage garnered Addigy widespread recognition as a leading Apple device management solution provider. Escalate secured coverage in 9to5mac, and ComputerWorld which were syndicated to the entire IDG network of IT publications

The release of Watchdog as a free download generated extensive community engagement, marked by lively discussions on Apple IT Admin Foundation Slack channels and Reddit forum for days. A sold-out webinar attracted over 250 registrants, and the announcement of the free download led to a surge in software downloads. Moreover, this strategic move prompted users with multiple vendors to turn to Addigy for their future software update needs, resulting in a notable increase in customer defections from other MDM vendors to Addigy.

Secured coverage in 9to5mac and ComputerWorld which were syndicated to the entire IDG network of IT publications