Valimail Featured in Network World

posted on May 13, 2024
Valimail Featured in Network World

The NSA, FBI, and U.S. Department of State issued a joint warning about North Korean senders who are exploiting weak/missing DMARC security policies. Spoofed emails have been an increasing threat to the United States and have become typical to receive one. Unfortunately, the new DMARC policy requirements have been minimally implemented by millions (1.3 million provided by Valimail data) of domain owners leaving them vulnerable to external attackers who are preying on the least tech-savvy email marketers.  

Al Iverson, Industry Research and Community Engagement Lead for Valimail, is featured in this Network World article commenting on the exploitations and what people need to be aware of. 

Blue quotation markNorth Korea found a way to exploit something that security and deliverability experts have been worried about over these past few months; there’s a whole bunch of domain owners out there who are not necessarily security savvy, and perhaps focused more on email marketing efforts. Those domain owners (and there are more than a million of them out there) were quick to implement a bare minimum DMARC policy to comply with new mailbox provider sender requirements.

For more information about DMARC and insights into the latest Cybersecurity Advisory, check out the full article on “NSA, FBI warn of email spoofing threat” on Network World. 


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